Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Jesus Inquest Review

The Case For and Against the Resurrection of the Christ An interesting take on the debate among different sides of the resurrection faction. Litigated by two opposing players, X and Y, author Charles Foster seems to nail down some of the most difficult issues that seem to present themselves on both sides of the aisle. This book is highly detailed with many sources being used in an extensive list of end notes and bibliography. Foster really did his homework when composing this masterpiece. Full of information, sometimes diving very deep into theology and thought, The Jesus Inquest is reference tool for someone looking to investigate apologetics in regards to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Not a weekend read, because of the heady material, but worth a read for those who have been interested in Lee Strobel's "The Case For..." series. Booksneeze gave me the book for review in exchange for my unbiased review.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Hello all!

Well its been a while...ok fine its been for like, ever. Well I'm back, alive and KICKIN! Update on Ty's life. School year started, and I was determined to do a whole lot of things which really ended up to be very few things. I started officially interning at church which has has changed a couple of times but its all good. I got engaged to a BEAUTIFUL girl that I can't stop talking about (I won't so don't ask me too). Her name is Mariah, and she said she'd marry me, and we're getting married on July 23, 2011. I'm pumped. School and I haven't been friends really, but when the second semester started, we got mad tight. My internship at church has finally taken flight and its awesome. I love love love it. I'm switching my major...again. I'm doing Interdisaplinary Studies with a concentration in Pastoral Ministry, and Intercultural Studies. I've also rediscovered my passion for reading so I've joined a couple Blogging for Books websites and I'll occasionally throw up a review or two, but for the most part, I'll just try and chew through books that I got for Christmas or picked up here or there. Ok thats all for now. Let me organize my thoughts and I'll be back soon!